GTK: Pleasant activity-based environment for top experts
The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) no longer needed all the space it had at its old facilities in Espoo, and the facilities were also in need of modernisation. Fortunately, it found new facilities only 400 metres away. GTK wants a pleasant workplace to promote its personnel’s wellbeing and to express its world-class expertise.
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GTK: Top expertise requires top premises
The premises at our old address on Betonimiehenkuja would have required major modernisation, and we had been thinking about new premises for years. The cost of the premises were also too high, considering the size of our personnel. We drew up a new strategy a couple of years ago and started putting more effort into marketing our top geological expertise. We also concluded that co-operation and projects functioning across profit centres is now far more important. We wanted to change our work and operating cultures to strengthen the sense of community and accelerate digitalisation. Well-designed premises will enable us to improve our culture and make it more engaging and innovative. We also wanted to influence our corporate image. When we have visitors from abroad, the pleasant premises will show them that we want to promote the wellbeing of our personnel.
Helena Tammi, Director of Human Resources

Senate: Modernisation was completed quickly
Senate has been involved in planning the Geological Survey of Finland’s new premises from the beginning. After the modernisation, entire floors in the old building on Betonimiehenkuja would have been unused, so we needed a more efficient solution. Vuorimiehentie was first proposed five years ago, the facility solution was finalised in 2016 and implementation plans were completed a year later. Modernisation work and construction was started in February 2018 and personnel moved into the new premises already in December. A major change was transitioning to an activity-based environment. Senate’s workplace development specialists were involved in providing support for GTK’s change management. Personnel events were organised to keep people informed and to discuss issues that concerned them. Earlier change projects have shown that change is an opportunity but requires constant and open communications and time.
Tapio Jalo, Construction Project Manager

GTK: We are committed to changing our working culture
We want our facilities to communicate who we are. An efficient workplace can also have a strong social dimension, even in a research organisation. We wanted a pleasant interior and paid special attention to the quality of the workstations. We made sure that the desks were sufficiently large, for example. The employees have been very satisfied with their new premises. The change project is not complete yet but I believe that everyone will find a way of working that suits them. GTK’s top management also made a strong commitment to the change in working culture. Nobody has a dedicated workstation. What is more, facility costs have been significantly reduced. There is now the right amount of space. Multiplied costs were also reduced. We are no longer responsible for running the lunch restaurant or for the security and reception services and we now pay Senate to provide these services instead.
Helena Tammi, Director of Human Resources

Senate: Unique solutions and a new laboratory
The timetable for the final stage of commissioning the new facilities was challenging and electrical installations were still being finalised when furniture was being brought in. The facilities were commissioned on schedule and the main thing is, of course, that GTK is happy with them. GTK’s personnel took part in planning the interior, which resulted in many unique solutions. Senate and GTK have also set up a proactive team to manage indoor conditions. The conditions are constantly monitored, and the verification measurements that are part of the modernisation and the related adjustments were completed during spring. GTK, VTT and Aalto University started their co-operation and planning the laboratories in 2016 and GTK’s labs will move from Betonimiehenkuja to the new facilities modernised by Acre in Vuorimiehenkatu 2 during autumn 2019.
Tapio Jalo, Construction Project Manager