Service providers and partners
This page contains information for our service providers and other partners, for example, on security clearances, personal approval, construction management and maintenance systems and instructions, and our learning environment.
Senate Group is a major buyer of building management and real estate services in Finland and one of Finland’s largest public procurement organisations. Service providers play an important role in our operations. Most of the services we provide to customers are purchased on the market. In particular, we employ actors in the construction and real estate sectors.
Approval procedure for Senate Group assignments
Approval procedure
A security agreement obliges suppliers to approve the persons participating in an assignment at Senate Group. Approval means a notification of whether a person has been accepted to work on an assignment. The approval procedure is a contractual obligation between the Supplier and the Group, i.e. the Supplier cannot deal directly with the Group’s customers in matters related to approval. Questions related to the approval procedure should be addressed to the Permit Services:
Senate Properties
- Southern Finland: tursel.etela-suomi@senaatti.fi
- Eastern Finland: tursel.ita-suomi@senaatti.fi
- Western Finland: tursel.lansi-suomi@senaatti.fi
- Northern Finland: tursel.pohjois-suomi.fi
Defence Properties Finland
- tursel@puolustuskiinteistot.fi
Security clearance
Security clearance may be a part of the approval procedure. As a rule, the authority or enterprise whose interests (premises or information) the clearance is intended to protect is the applicant for clearance. This may lead to several different parties seeking clearances for a person.
The party subject to security clearance vetting has the right to receive the information related to their clearance vetting from the applicant for clearance. The consent of the party subject to clearance vetting is always required for security clearance. Consent may be given either by signing the application for security clearance vetting or by agreeing to the preparation of clearance in the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service’s (Supo) electronic transaction service. Supo’s e- service will send an email message to the party subject to clearance vetting through which they log in to the services (e.g. with online banking credentials) and give their consent to clearance. Many messages may be sent and they all need to be responded to so that clearance vetting is not delayed. If the application for clearance is filled in and signed in the Permit Register, Supo’s e- service will not send separate messages. All questions concerning security clearances must be addressed to the authority or enterprise applying for the security clearance. Senate Group has no information on security clearances applied for by other authorities
Instructions on personal approval
- Company’s business ID and name
- Assignment/site and enterprise/authorities the facilities or information the assignment concerns
- Contact person at the enterprise
- Duration of the assignment (e.g. project length + guarantee period or contract period)
- Company’s contact person(s) (max 5 persons) who are responsible for approving the company’s employees in the Permit Register (Last name, First name, email address, telephone number)
If your password does not work or you have not received a message, go to Problems logging in? on the front page of Senate e-services.
Please note that you do not need to print out documents from the Permit Register since everything is signed digitally, for example using a smartphone touchscreen. Submit the application.
You will receive an automatic reply if you need to complete or correct information. You should respond to all notifications promptly. You will receive an automatic message about the permit granted. In unclear situations, please contact the email address of the Permit Service.
Consistent ways of working and operating models with our partners are part of our quality management. The key guidelines to be complied with in our construction projects can be found in the project document management environment (BEM). The service brings together all electronic documentation of construction activities by building and project in one place. You can find the related documentation in the project bank of each construction project.
BEM guidelines also contain instructions related to the project bank. The design guidelines contain information technology design guidelines for Senate’s construction projects.
- The CAD Guide defines the technical formalities of drawing, text and spreadsheet files produced by architectural, structural, electrical, HVACA and other design fields, as well as the contents of databases.
- The guidelines for handing over documents apply to the delivery of final construction documents to the client in manual format as paper and as files on a flash drive. Information on further instructions is available from the project manager at Senate Properties.
Granlund Manager
Granlund Manager is the central information system for Senate Properties’ maintenance service providers. Instructions for use can be found after logging in to the system by clicking on the question mark icon in the top right-hand corner of the application.
The Granlund Manager app can be downloaded to Android devices from the Play-store and to iOS devices from the App Store.

Material bank
Anyone can download materials from Senate Group's public material bank without any identifiers. The material bank contains, for example, instructions and models related to occupational safety and site boards, our graphic guidelines, logos, icons and photographs. The photographs are intended for communication purposes – the commercial use of the images must be agreed with each photographer separately.

Learning environment
Senate Group's learning environment allows you to complete study modules whenever it suits you. Our operations in service production are based on partnership and a networked approach. Our learning environment lets you learn about our operating models and systems.

Construction management

Procurements and competitive tendering