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How we work

This page provides a summary of answers to frequently asked questions about the management and administration of state-owned properties. The page is intended for everyone interested in the management of €4.8 billion of national wealth.

How are state-owned real estate assets managed?

The state owns almost 9,000 buildings, which have a total of 5.9 million square metres of facilities. The portfolio includes 600 protected buildings as well as police buildings and law courts, prisons, laboratories, museums, ministries and government agency offices as well as Finnish Defence Forces’ premises.

State-owned real estate is managed by Senate Group, which acts under the guidance and direction of the Ministry of Finance. Senate Group comprises Senate Properties, which is the parent unincorporated state enterprise, and Defence Properties Finland, which is a subsidiary unincorporated state enterprise. The Ministry of Defence guides and directs Defence Properties Finland in the production of services for the Finnish Defence Forces and partners specified by the Defence Forces. Senate Group’s operations are guided by the Government Premises Strategy and the Government Real Estate Strategy.

Senate Group develops and maintains state-owned built real estate assets. Senate Properties does not make a profit but provides well-functioning, secure facilities using a gross rent model to support central government activities and the work of the personnel in all circumstances.

The management and administration of state-owned property have changed much over the past ten years. A centralised system has been found to work and resulted in savings in facilities costs while the property stock is in better condition than ever.

Sanna Jääskeläinen.

Everyone immediately understood the need to save energy

"The Energy Saving Programme we launched promptly in the autumn had already delivered good results during the winter. Together with our clients, we achieved significant savings,” says Sanna Jääskeläinen, Programme Coordinator, Marketing and Communications Director.

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Defence Properties Finland

We are responsible for Defence Administration properties, their upkeep and the organisation of services in all security situations. Readiness, preparation and responsibility are at the core of our activities. We make room for the future and security.

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Social responsibility drives our work

We bear our responsibility for sustainable development by taking into account economic, social as well as environmental considerations, not forgetting the cultural value of buildings.

For better indoor conditions

We want to help ensure that everyone working in the offices, institutions, barracks and bureaus of Finland have the best possible conditions in their working environment so as to maintain the welfare, organisation and safety of society.

Energy Saving Programme decreases energy costs

Our aim is to help Finland through the tough winter ahead and to curb the rising cost of energy.

Selling unneeded properties means savings for central government

Under the Government Real Estate Strategy, properties that central government no longer needs and the capital tied up can be allocated to other central government needs.
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