Our strategy 2022-2025
How do premises support productive and safe activities? What will multi-location work look like in the future? How will shared work environments be implemented where two or more agencies are put together? Our strategy also provides some answers to these questions as we action the new Government Premises Strategy and help our customers to implement it in everyday working life.

Working for Finland
Senate Properties and Defence Properties Finland together create Senate Group. Our mission is to provide optimum conditions and facilities for work that make Finland the world’s most functional and safest country. We are working for Finland.
Senate Properties is the responsible work environment partner and specialist of the Finnish government. We create work environments that support the activities of our customers and we help them to improve ways of working in a constantly changing world. We are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of properties as well as for providing effective services. We build new buildings, renovate old ones and repair older national assets to meet customer needs.
On the Defence Properties Finland side, we have overall responsibility for the development of Finnish Defence Administration properties and their environmental and maintenance services. Contingency and preparedness are at the core of all our operations.

Key goals in our strategy
1. Strategic partnership created by work environments that support the customer’s activities and good customer experience.
2. We implement shared work environments as a service in accordance with the Government Premises Strategy. We employ smart solutions to curb rising central government facilities costs: we develop activities, premises and areas and divest properties that central government no long needs.
3. We achieve industry leadership in social responsibility. We will achieve this through a programme of zero tolerance of indoor air problems and through measures aimed at carbon neutrality.
4. Contingency and preparation, together with safeguarding continuity form a strong foundation for our operations in all conditions. This is emphasised in particular in the goals and operations of Defence Properties Finland.
We are a strategic partner of central government
We implement our customers’ projects so that renovated premises support their own strategies and new ways of working. We will succeed in this through effective construction and spatial management solutions, and by robust cooperation.
Strategic partnership will also be reflected in improved customer and decision-maker satisfaction. We want everyone, from top decision-makers to individual public servants, to be happy with their work environments and Senate Properties’ services.
We provide shared work environments as a service and curb rising costs
Under the Government Premises Strategy, we develop the central government’s shared work environments and during our strategy period will introduce these in 15 locations.
These shared work environments can be implemented to serve their users more diversely and with improved quality. Ordinary Finns also benefit from this since more than one authority provides services in the same place.
Development of premises and areas together with facilities solutions supporting new hybrid ways of working help our customers to save on costs and lower their carbon footprint.
Together with our customers, we aim to deliver savings of €35 million in facilities costs by 2025.
Social responsibility drives and is part of everything we do
To us, social responsibility means a number of different things. For example, providing our customers with healthy and safe environments to succeed in their work. We will continue with our zero tolerance programme, based on the approach of preventing problems associated with indoor conditions.
We are also committed to the government’s carbon neutrality goal and we are progressing towards zero-emissions premises by 2035. During the strategy period, the objective of our carbon neutrality programme is to halve carbon dioxide emissions in property maintenance and to reduce emissions from construction.
Contingency and preparedness the foundation of activities
We will update Defence Properties Finland’s maintenance service model in response to the Defence Administration’s contingency requirements. We ensure preparedness in line with the needs of our customers and ensure the availability, reliability and continuity of critical facilities in all security situations.

Culture of trust and courage in hybrid working
Trust and courage are behind everything we do. Hybrid work is continuously developing and to be successful requires people to adopt new ways of working, well-functioning data communication solutions and separate rules of play. On the other hand, hybrid working creates new flexibility and freedom.
We are learning about hybrid working ourselves by experimenting and developing. This is how we also acquire the skills required for shared work environments.