New concept modernises TE offices
The new service model introduced at the TE offices (Employment and Economic Development Offices) requires modern premises. Some of the offices in Uusimaa have already been renovated, and the staff have moved into the comfortable offices, having completed training for organisational change.
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Efficient collaboration
The organisation and service model of the TE offices has been reformed. More customers are served by telephone and online, which means that they do not need to visit the TE offices as often. The nationwide TE office network was also streamlined so that each ELY Centre (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment) is in charge of one TE office and its branches. To accompany the reform of the network and service model, the TE offices were also revamped to support the new working methods according to the nationwide concept. A steering group was set up for the reform process, which had members from the Uusimaa ELY Centre and TE Office as well as Senate Properties.

New methods, new premises
“Communication is faster when people sit next to each other. If the background noise is disturbing or you need to make a call, you can retreat to a quiet room,” says Service Manager Eila Turtola. “The new premises have supported the changes in our services: when people no longer have their separate offices, they have to interact, which is exactly what the new model aims for,” explains Service Manager Sari Kanerva. The biggest changes are the open-plan office and unassigned desks. Employees choose a desk in the morning and collect all their papers and belongings at the end of the day to store them in lockers.
The TE Office work environment revamp

Training for organisational change helped during the process
Before moving from the temporary premises to the renovated offices, the staff attended training for organisational change arranged by Senate Properties. During the training, the participants drew up the etiquette for the new environment as well as rules for how each space should be used. “It was a well-planned event, and our requirements were taken into account. I felt that instead of being told how the new offices should be used or how we should work there, we were allowed to come up with the models and rules ourselves. Some sensitive issues were discussed at the training session, such as someone having a very loud voice, but we now feel that having talked about it, it is easier to ask a colleague to keep it down a bit,” says Turtola.